Tuesday, 2 August 2016

Grow Your Business by Auto Geocoding your Leads or Customers

Any marker you see on Map is always represented by 2 things i.e. Latitude and Longitude. Till Summer'16 it has been a challenge to geocode Salesforce addresses automatically so that they are ready to plot. Many have used third party APIs and Scheduled Batches to process Account/Contact/Lead records but trust me that was all time eating your API limits.

So, what is the surprise! Salesforce have released a feature in Summer'16 by which your Account/Contact/Lead records can be auto geocoded. This feature uses Data.com in back end but you don't need Data.com license for activation of auto geocoding feature. You just need to setup cleaning rules and you are good to go. So, precisely following standard Address fields can be auto geocoded based on any changes to below address fields.
  1. Billing Address on Account
  2. Shipping Address on Account
  3. Mailing Address on Contact
  4. Address on Lead
Yes, on key thing to note "Person accounts are not supported at this point!"

For learning "How to setup cleaning rules" kindly read and follow below link:
Set Up Geocode Clean Rules

Which fields store Lat/Lon pair in each of the objects above:

  • Account Billing Address Geocode Fields: BillingLatitude, BillingLongitude and BillingGeocodeAccuracy
  • Account Shipping Address Geocode Fields: ShippingLatitude, ShippingLongitude and ShippingGeocodeAccuracy
  • Contact Mailing Address Geocode Fields: MailingLatitude, MailingLongitude and MailingGeocodeAccuracy
  • Lead Address Geocode Fields: Latitude, Longitude and GeocodeAccuracy

What happens when Geocoding happens:

  • Respective Latitude and Longitude fields are overwritten.
  • SystemModStamp field is always updated. You need to review integrations which use this fields as criteria for qualification of records to get processed.
  • By default, LastModifiedDate and LastModifiedById fields are not updated. You can change this behavior when you set up your geocode clean rules.

How to use this feature for business:

  • You can use this to plot all your leads to understand how is the flow of inquiries per territory
  • You can visualize your customer base on map territory wise
  • You can start new campaigns to build your brand in new territories where you don't see much of your existence
  • This can also be useful for plotting customers for Sales Reps/Marketing Reps
  • Field Service can be another application of same

Sample code to try:

 public class PlotLeads {  
     public List<Leads> lLeads {get; set;}  
     private String unitOfMeasure = 'mi';  
     public PlotLeads() {  
         //Fetching all Leads in 20 miles radius from my company HQ  
         lLeads = [SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName, Latitude, Longitude   
               FROM Lead   
                 WHERE DISTANCE(Address, GEOLOCATION(35.273,-115.130), :unitOfMeasure) < 20  
                 ORDER BY DISTANCE(Address, GEOLOCATION(35.273,-115.130), :unitOfMeasure)];  

Thursday, 12 May 2016

TRAILHEADX - Salesforce Developer Conference

Trailhead has been one of the most successful gamified learning platforms for Salesforce aspirants. Trailhead has become the key to success for many big organizations as well as SMBs to train new comers. It also helped many graduates, veterans, students to get jobs and be successful in their careers. Trailhead has been my first choice when I guide engineering graduates in many engineering colleges to transform their careers in Salesforce.com technologies. It is THE BEST and it will be THE BEST! After huge success of Trailhead; Salesforce has launched first of it's kind a developer conference "TRAILHEADX" specially for Salesforce developers. If you attend "TRAILHEADX" then you will be inspired by some of the top technologists and visionary leaders in the industry.

This time it is happening on "7th and 8th June 2016" at "The Village & The Warfield, San Francisco, CA". Salesforce have 2 types of passes for this conference i.e. Full Conference and Free Keynote Pass. Full Conference passes have been sold out but you can still get Free Keynote Pass.

Don't worry; Free Keynote Pass also have lots of good stuffs:
  • You can watch keynote presentations by Marc Benioff, Parker Harris and Shawna Wolverton
  • You can enjoy Salesforce App Cloud and Lightning in action with cutting edge technical demos
  • Join a fireside chat with Steve Wozniak (Co-founder of Apple)

For Registering your Free Conference Pass: https://developer.salesforce.com/trailheadx

Last but not the least; Salesforce also have lots of prizes and a epic party organized for you!

Sumitkumar Shingavi (9x Salesforce.com Certified)
Linkedin: https://in.linkedin.com/in/sumitshingavi
Email: sumi.shingavi@gmail.com

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

More about Navigate the Salesforce Advantage : A TRAILHEAD TRAIL

This trail on trailhead is intended for audience who want to adopt or start learning Salesforce.com. Salesforce is very dominant player in Cloud ecosystem and it is very critical for Customers, Admins, Developers and Business Users to understand what Salesforce can do for them. Why Salesforce is mentioned as "Customer Success Platform"? How powerful it is as platform and CRM? And ways Salesforce can help businesses to perform better. This trail can answer all those questions!!

This trail has 4 primary modules:
1. Salesforce Success Model: This module gives high level zest of What is Salesforce? Salesforce is multi-tenant cloud platform and CRM. Salesforce supports both B2B and B2C business models. Salesforce helps you build more meaningful relationships with your customers; to better understand their wants and needs, identify new opportunities to help, and address their problems faster. The key to this success is having one connected platform to manage all of this. It is critical to understand the capabilities of Salesforce as CRM and platform so that to take right decision for selecting right cloud platform for your needs. So, in high level this module teaches who Salesforce is and their vision for driving customer success. Finally, Salesforce as company is totally focused on Innovation and Customer Success all the time by leveraging great leadership and giving back attitude i.e. Corporate Social Responsibility.

2. Salesforce Cloud Benefits: This module explains about what you get from Salesforce when you choose to go with it? Salesforce is multi-tenant high performance cloud platform and Salesforce is trying reach all possibilities in cloud to have everything at one place. Adopting Salesforce is very easy game as customers can achieve lot of their business processes just by using Out of the Box (OOTB) features and AppExchange products. For doing custom developments; Force.com is the BEST platform in whole cloud ecosystem. This module also helps to understand how to propel your business with the adoption of Cloud. So, in high level this module teaches the flexibility of a "complete" CRM that evolves with customer business needs. Salesforce is very "Agile" platform. Finally here is very good distinction about on-premise and cloud so that you understand why to go with Cloud.

3. Salesforce Technology Basics: This module talks about why Salesforce is trusted cloud platform? and The beauty of Multi-tenancy in Salesforce core technical stack. That means every customer shares same baseline infrastructure and code base. This module also explains the way Salesforce drives the customer customization and configurations using metadata and provides easy accessibility of the metadata layer, the cloud, and Software as a Service (SaaS). Also, customers can develop custom apps very rapidly and go to market time is very low [This is totally based on complexity of application but usually customer should start with Must Have then good to have and then fancy stuff around]. So, in high level this module gives a peek under the hood of Salesforce's core technology model based on trust and innovation.

4. Salesforce Ecosystem: This module talks more about awesomeness of Salesforce's incredible partner ecosystem and customer community. All the documentation is very precise. Customers can also use Success Community for technical questions and asking for best practices, etc. Salesforce periodically organizes lot of events around the world. I love to be part of Pune Salesforce Developer User Group. There is always lot of knowledge sharing and off course goodies :D Salesforce swags are always lovely!! Finally attending Dreamforce will also help a lot if you want to understand width and depth of Salesforce technologies.

Wait..Above all is about Salesforce!! But if you are looking for more technical comparison of multiple CRMs; here is the high level table:

There are lot other CRM players exist in the market in addition to Salesforce and MS Dynamics CRM like ZOHO, GoldMine etc.

Brief about ZOHOCRM: ZohoCRM is a relative newcomer to the CRM marketplace and good fit for small businesses. ZohoCRM is just one of a suite of business applications from Zoho that include productivity, office, project management, invoicing and recruiting. The Enterprise version of ZohoCRM runs $35/month/user but a free, stripped down version is available for less than three users. ZohoCRM is completely cloud based, integrates with many Google Apps and syncs with QuickBooks and Outlook. There is also a growing army of Zoho developers and partners with tools to further customize and integrate the product with other systems.

Brief about GoldMine: GoldMine is on-premise and more of an advanced contact manager than a full blown customer relationship management system. But the aging product has been around for many years and still maintains a large following. GoldMine is good for organizations with 5-25 users and costs about $3,000 for a five concurrent user system. It is quick to setup, easy to use, synchronizes with Outlook and QuickBooks and sold through a national network of resellers and partners.

Finally, if you want to adopt Salesforce then you MUST should use Trailhead.
Here is the link to trailhead: https://developer.salesforce.com/trailhead?state=id

Salesforce is the BEST CRM and Cloud Platform!!!

Here is my Trailhead profile: 

Sumitkumar Shingavi
Linkedin: https://in.linkedin.com/in/sumitshingavi
Email: sumi.shingavi@gmail.com